What is Your Wishlist ? Earn Bucks by Sharing Your PayPal Wishlist
Everybody has a wishlist...
Everybody wants their wishlist come true...
Not everybody get paid to share their wishlist...
But, wait a minute...
I have a good news for you...
From November 16th - December 31st 2009, PayPal Pte. Ltd., Singapore will pay YOU to share your wishlist...
You will need this tools:
1. Paypal Account : Since this event is sponsored by PayPal, so you must have an account first. If you don't have it yet, you can create it for FREE now --> CREATE FREE PAYPAL ACCOUNT
*If you need a guide to create a PayPal account you can read it here (In Indonesian language).
2. You must have a FaceBook account, i bet you already have this one...but if you don't, you could have one :) --> Facebook.com
And now i'll guide you with the step:
You will need to Login to your Facebook account and linked your PayPal account with this application -> complete STEP 1
Choose your wishlist from many opts given there, and then share it with your friend.
This is the interesting part, START earn $1 for every friend you refer who adds this application. You can earn up to $100 !!
After you collecting your money, you need to verified your PayPal account...don't worry it's easy :)
There's Terms and Condition for this promotion you can read it here.
This is my WISHLIST:
Everybody wants their wishlist come true...
Not everybody get paid to share their wishlist...
But, wait a minute...
I have a good news for you...
From November 16th - December 31st 2009, PayPal Pte. Ltd., Singapore will pay YOU to share your wishlist...
You will need this tools:
1. Paypal Account : Since this event is sponsored by PayPal, so you must have an account first. If you don't have it yet, you can create it for FREE now --> CREATE FREE PAYPAL ACCOUNT
*If you need a guide to create a PayPal account you can read it here (In Indonesian language).
2. You must have a FaceBook account, i bet you already have this one...but if you don't, you could have one :) --> Facebook.com
And now i'll guide you with the step:
You will need to Login to your Facebook account and linked your PayPal account with this application -> complete STEP 1
Choose your wishlist from many opts given there, and then share it with your friend.
This is the interesting part, START earn $1 for every friend you refer who adds this application. You can earn up to $100 !!
After you collecting your money, you need to verified your PayPal account...don't worry it's easy :)
There's Terms and Condition for this promotion you can read it here.
This is my WISHLIST:
Apple Macbook
Apple iPhone 3Gs
Holiday Inn Patong Resort
Vesta Destroyer Swiss Watch
Home Theater

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December 5, 2009 at 12:09 PM
Paypal Wishlist application on Facebook, has rocked several countries. Perhaps because of the great programs this Paypal
December 11, 2009 at 10:56 AM
yes i'm second to that,this free gift from Paypal is a good way to increase Paypal users around the world..
btw,thx for coming to my blog..
January 13, 2010 at 8:59 PM
kang kira kira berapa lama yah cairnya apa mesti harus sampe 100$ aku punya baru sampe 19 $ hehehheh
January 13, 2010 at 9:09 PM
bro blognya paypal list nya kena hack tuh kira kira sampe kapan yah cairn you udah berap hasilnya aku dah 19$ tapi luama bgt buat smape ke100$
January 14, 2010 at 7:22 PM
@Slasheric > bukan kena hack bro, emg program paypal wishlist udah ditutup akhir December lalu. klo ga salah akhir januari ini mereka kirimin saldona ke masing2 account paypal.
tapi yang di dapet blm tentu sesuai dengan yg tertera di FB lw bro.
tapi lmyn jg tuh dpt $19,gw cmn dpt $3 kekna kmrn :(
January 14, 2010 at 7:59 PM
oh bgt cuman yang bingungnya kita kan belum kasih alamat paypal kita kemereka, jadi belum tentu juga bro hehheeh aku sudah cari cari linknya di FB ngk dapt dapt uey :D
January 14, 2010 at 9:45 PM
loh..waktu join paypal wishlist emg ga kasih alamat paypal dulu bro?
masih ada kog paypal di FBna..
cek disini nih bro --> Paypal Wishlist
btw gw salah bro tentang tanggalna..
coba baca kutipan ini..
"You will be notified by PayPal no later than February 28th, 2010, via email or any other method as PayPal may from time to time determine, of how much you have earned."
brarti bulan dpan euy cairnya..
y udah lw msukin email lw dulu bro..udah pnya paypal kn?
January 15, 2010 at 10:56 AM
yup, sudah verified pake VCC tapi aku punya masih dilock ama paypalnya, sampe aku bisa negbuktiin identitas ku wkwkw, hanya bisa terima transaksi bro, ngedrawing belum bisa uey... ada triknya kah
January 15, 2010 at 2:09 PM
loh knp di lock? pernah transaksi sebelum di verified?
gw jg verified pke VCC bro..
udah kirim email ke bagian supportna bro?tanya apa yg hrs di kerjain biar ga di limit..
January 21, 2010 at 2:26 AM
You can See the maximum payment proof here:
Paypal Wishlist Payment Proof
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