5 Nurses being abused by a doctor..?!?

This morning i was surprised when i saw a news in one of television channel which is saying that there is 5 beautiful nurses come into police station to report a sexual abusive they received from one of the medical doctor in the hospital they worked for.
They said that it's happened so many times and for a quiet long time,one of the nurse said "he often come to the nurse's room when i'm in there,and try to touch my body."
Eventhough none of them had forced to do an intercourse with the doctor, but it makes them feel unsecure to work in that one of the private hospitals in Bogor-Jawa Barat. They asked the police to work in this case, make the doctor get fired and the doctor license being suspended or banned.
Wow,did you believe that?
What actually 'he' had been thingking on when doing such that things to the nurses? As a doctor I feel embarrassed by what he had done, seems like morality has been declining here in our Country.
This is not the only case about sexual abusive happened in Indonesia, there have reported many other cases such as a teacher who raped his student in his house and he'd been doing that for approximately 500 times [he wrote it in his diary..:( ], a chief police officer who forced a junior high school student to satisfied his carnal lust and so on.
But this is the first case i heard which have done by a doctor. Why are these professional could've done such an embarrasing demeanor like this?
I hope there won't be another case like this one in our country Indonesia.
As an Indonesian blogger what do you think about morality problem in our country? Could we do something with this?
GOD bLess Indonesia...

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November 5, 2009 at 10:51 AM
smiley test.. ~x(
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